Tag Archives: working women

Ivanka Trump booed at Women’s Summit

Ivanka Trump has been anointed by her father as an expert She is in Europe showing her expertise but the crowd did not seem to buy what she was saying. Her father might think she is ready for prime time and the White House staff also has to bow to this arrangement but the rest of the world is not afraid to say the Emperor and his offspring have no clothes.

Is a Moment of Silence all we have to offer?

How does a nation react when 49 of their citizens are murdered? Do we start implementing new gun control laws or do we simply call for a moment of silent prayer? Over the past few days I have seen people offer prayers for the victims and their families. I believe in the power of prayer but I also believe in the part of the Bible that says faith without works is dead. We can’t keep mumbling prayers or having moments of silence. We have got to do something. What citizen needs a machine gun? Why are we allowed to purchase guns that are only suitable for war? At this point we are beyond shocked we should be enraged. We can no longer simply offer silent prayer we have to do something or we will be right back here again.

Flying while Brawling…Woman Refuses to lower volume of boombox…are we getting meaner?

Are Americans getting meaner? Share your thoughts.

Rev. Run and Tyrese coming to OWN…is this a problem?

This Saturday Rev. Run and Tyrese will join the OWN family. They are going to be acting as relationship gurus, check out what Tyrese said about fat women in 2013. “No two situations are the same. If you are fat and nasty and you don’t like the way you look, do something about it. It’s simple,” the singer-turned-actor replied. Continuing his no-holds-barred rant, he said, “When you take a shower and you put your fat, nasty body in the shower and by the time you get out, the mirrors are all steamed up so you don’t look at what you did to yourself. That may sound offensive or insensitive but ultimately, you are big as hell because you have earned that s–t. You worked your a– off to eat everything in sight to get big as hell. If you got a problem with the way you look, then you need to do something about it,” he added. “Excuses sound best to the people that’s making them up.” Of course after online backlash he apologized. So now in 2016 he and Rev. Run will be dispensing advice on a network owned by Queen Oprah. Share your thoughts.

Going 2 Extremes in 2016

take your dream out of layaway
What does the word extreme mean? “Of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average”. (dictionary.com) Are you ready to perform beyond the ordinary or beyond average? That’s the question each of us should be asking ourselves as 2015 draws to a close. What are you willing to do? How far are you willing to go? The truth is there is nothing wrong with the ordinary or the average, but is that truly enough for you? Is 2016 going to be a carbon copy of 2015? We all have heard the statement “if you want something different you have to do something different”. Are you ready for different? Are you ready to stop talking about dreams and start making dreams realities? If yes is the answer you are ready for Take Your Dream Out of Layaway. http://www.amazon.com/Take-Your-Dream-out-Layaway/dp/1490898344/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1451404544&sr=1-1&keywords=take+your+dream+out+of+layaway

Bloomingdale what were you thinking?

spike your friends eggnog
Bloomingdale is in hot water over this ad. Does this encourage date rape? Share your thoughts.

The View mocks Carly Fiorina’s looks…fair game or just mean?

The women at The View were indignant when Donald Trump took a swipe at Carly Fiorina’s looks, but why do they reserve the right to mock her? Look at the clip and share your thoughts.

Is Katina Powell proof positive that shame has died?

I watched this clip and I was astounded to hear Katina Powell speak so casually about pimping her daughters out. She has written a book about her relationship to the Louisville Cardinals. She supplied the women who were used to help close the deal with the college recruits. This is not shocking. It probably happens on more campuses then we will ever know, but to see a woman speak like this is the shocker. What happened to shame? When did it die? She and her daughters will be appearing on The View tomorrow to share their story. Over the years we have seen the media take a quick descent to the bottom, and bottom feeders are now welcome to share their tales withe the world. We saw this with the Tiger Wood debacle. We saw women line up for their opportunity at the microphone. They all told of their antics with Woods. The media elevated them. They were no longer women who knowingly slept with a married man. They were victims. They bore no shame, but Woods was the villian. Shame no longer exists. Do as you please and if you can sell your story fame although it might be temporary awaits you.

If you are not celebrating Caitlyn Jenner you better be quiet

caitlyn jenner
We met Caitlyn Jenner yesterday. Her introduction was met with celebration. Even the president tweeted his support. She is finally living in her own truth, but what happens to the people who were a part of Bruce Jenner’s life? How do his ex-wives feel about his truth? How do his children feel about his truth? Some will say this is none of our business, but Jenner is a part of reality television. He lived his life on camera and in the summer she will be taking us along on her transition journey. So she is living her truth, but another truth is there are people in his past life who are also forced to live it with her.

Do we really want to know?

I read an article the other day about the cheap clothing sold by places like H & M and Forever 21. People flock to these places because of the prices, but the conditions that the workers endure are often deplorable, but does it matter to the average consumer? What about those Apple watches that are made in China, a country not known  for coddling their workers people are proudly sporting the watches. We love the latest and the greatest. Do we really want to know the origins of the watch? Do we want to know the life stories of all the people who helped create that piece or art you proudly affix to your wrist? Do we read the articles and simply shake our heads or do we actually feel compelled to make a change? Share your thoughts.