Tea Party Has NAACP and the Obama Administration on the Run

President Obama has avoided the issue of race since he launched his campaign for president. When we first saw the Rev. Wright tapes many called the president a racist by association. Last summer the President spoke out in defense of Henry Gates. The president had the temerity to say the police acted “stupidly”, but by the next day the administration was backing away from their statement. The administration has recently been criticized for  dropping some of the charges that were originally filed against the New Black Panthers. So we can safely say they are gun shy on the race issue. So along comes the Shirley Sherrod tape. They saw the snippet released on Andrew Brietbart’s website and their reaction was swift and immediate. She had to go and they did not take the time to get all the facts before they gave their verdict. She was not going to become the next Jeremiah Wright. Then we had the NAACP jumping in the middle of the fray. Ben Jealous, CEO of the NAACP,  appeared on  Anderson Coopers 360 tonight and in defense of their swift rebuke he said they responded to the allegations in the middle of the night, but did they take the time to really investigate before they released their statement? No they came out against the Tea Party last week and now the friends of that movement have them on the run. People like Andrew Briebart will be going over  NAACP activity with a fine tooth comb. They will be on the hunt for racist activity within the ranks of the NAACP and so what if people like Shirley Sherrod become collateral damage. She is small potatoes in the real goal, and that is not to expose racism, but to embarrass the NAACP. So the administration will continue running away from race and the NAACP will continue living in a glass house and hoping the opposition is fresh out of stones.

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