Tag Archives: jesse campbell

Happy Mothers Day 2012

To all the mothers everywhere, Happy Mothers Day. This clip features Jesse Campbell who was a contestant on NBC The Voice. He should have won, but despite not winning he has a phenomenal voice. This clip features him and his mother Ann Campbell in awesome gospel singer. Enjoy!

Jesse Campbell discusses what comes next after his elimination from The Voice

Interesting story from The Root. Jesse Campbell discusses his surprise elimination from The Voice, and what comes next for the soulful singer with the gospel roots.


Jesse Campbell eliminated from The Voice last night…was it fair?

Jesse Campbell was the frontrunner in the NBC The Voice competition. Well at least he was until last night. His coach Christina Aguilera eliminated him. Campbell has an incredible voice that is truly a gift from God. Last night Aguilera told him to hit the roadjack. She said he has not really grown in the competition, but he came there grown, and this was his chance to showcase his voice on a national stage. Was it fair for him to be eliminated? Yes, he freely took part in a competition show and like it or not he knew the rules. So his supporters are angry today, and they can support Campbell when he drops his next album, and they can find a new fan favorite or simply stop watching. I will choose the latter.

Jesse Campbell blew the audience away on The Voice

It is not often that you get to watch network television and actually know someone that is performing, but last night I had that rare opportunity. Jesse Campbell appeared on the NBC show The Voice and blew the audience away. Campbell has a voice that is a true gift from God. Last night he mentioned that he was from Maywood, Illinois, but I had the opportunity to hear him at a church on the west side of Chicago. His father WJ Campbell pastored St. James Church of God in Christ. Jesse would often lead songs with the choir and at a young age it was apparent that the boy had a “gift”. In the church far too often people are hailed for being gifted and it is not the truth, but in this case it was not people paying deference to a PK (Pastor’s Kid) it was genuine. It was heartwarming to hear his testimony and truly gratifying to hear his voice. He does have a voice and it was wonderful to see him get the opportunity to showcase it on a wider stage.
