President Obama Gives Himself a “B+”; He Must Be Grading Himself on the Curve

Last night I watched the ABC Oprah Christmas Special. She interviewed the President and the First Lady. Most of the show was devoted to all things Christmas, but Oprah did ask some substantive questions, and one of them was what grade would the president give himself for his first year in office? He said B+, but I have to wonder what would he base this analysis on? He is Commander and Chief over two wars, the country has an unemployment rate of 10%, and in the black community that number is almost doubled, he has spent the entire summer pushing a healthcare bill that probably won’t be signed until next year, and that might not happen. So what curve would allow him to grant himself such a good grade? My son is a very likeable boy and that likeability has probably factored into some of his grades. If people like you they grant you a little more slack than they would if they didn’t. President Obama is a likeable guy, but no way has he earned such high marks with the American public. It is true that he inherited the wars, but he signed off on the too big to fail freight train, and now we sit watching the bailed out banks racing to pay off the government so that they can shower their executives with big year-end bonuses while the government stands mute. I don’t think most Americans blame the president for all the country’s ills, but let’s get real this year he deserves a C for working hard, but he has a lot of work to do to earn that B+ he thinks he deserves.

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  • Elogam  On December 14, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    I noticed the president likes to remind people of what he “inherited”. Fact of the matter is, he didn’t get a pig in a poke. He willfully and knowingly campaigned for this job, warts and all. It’s his now. Why he didn’t put his political capital behind creating an environment that generates jobs instead of taking on healthcare is beyond comprehension. Perhaps he thought healthcare would be a walk in the park, knocked out in a few weeks. He was mistaken.

    He’s still learning. He can get better. He needs some help, however. The electorate needs to send some moderate Democrats and some Republicans to Congress to marginalize the extreme liberal leadership and get them focused on what is important. Turning America into a Socialist Paradise is NOT what’s important. Putting Americans back to work is.