Larry Elder’s take on black on black crime and Trayvon Martin

Contrary to what some readers might believe I do read things written by conservatives. This article was written by Larry Elder. Read the article and share your thoughts.

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  • Andrew P.  On April 7, 2012 at 2:19 am

    The difference between the Trayvon case and the cases that Elder discussed is that police immediately arrested the perps in Elder’s cases, but Zimmerman is still not charged.

    • elogam  On April 7, 2012 at 7:01 pm

      Andrew P, why do you think Zimmerman has not been charged? Would you, and all those who seem to want symbol over substance, prefer that Zimmerman be arrested without enough evidence to charge him at the risk of the investigation? If the DA had enough to hold Zimmerman I’m sure the warrant for arrest would have gone out. This is SO high profile that the easy thing to do would be to throw the cuffs on the man. But Zimmerman has rights, just like you, me, Trayvon and everyone else here. On this Easter weekend, when Pilate released Barabas and jailed Jesus to placate the mob, we should watch with keen interest, but not jump the gun on exacting our pound of flesh

  • Docile Jim Brady – Columbus OH 43209  On April 7, 2012 at 3:20 am

    IMO, any person with a gun who has not been trained in safety and proper use of the gun can be dangerous.

    The media, IMO, tend to report what they believe will sell column inches or sound bytes.

    • elogam  On April 7, 2012 at 7:10 pm

      I wholeheartedly agree. I’m a strong defender of the 2nd amendment, but I think that only a fool would pick up and carry a gun without the proper training in operation and safety. Driving a car is not a right, but everyone who wishes to operate one had to prove proficiency and carry a license to operate one. Back when the Constitution was written all able-bodied and able-minded males learned proper firearm use from their elders. I think today we need a standardized course in safety, taught at a local gun shop or gun range, where people can learn safe and proper use of a firearm. After a criminal background check, I think open carry should be permitted in keeping with the 2nd amendment.

  • elogam  On April 7, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    Y’know EM, I read the article and I didn’t see a conservative or liberal angle. I just saw the truth as Mr. Elder sees it. I listen to his afternoon show regularly and there are times when he is OBVIOUSLY giving the perspective of the right. This article doesn’t show it. Thanks for bringing attention to it.

  • musesofamom  On April 7, 2012 at 8:51 pm

    I said the article was written by a conservative. Larry Elder would qualify.

    • elogam  On April 9, 2012 at 2:05 am

      Oh, no doubt he IS a conservative. I wasn’t being critical of you about that. Some of his articles are in-your-face conservative. I’m merely saying it doesn’t show in the reading of this article.