Audience Applauds Domestic Violence in the New Tyler Perry Movie

Hey everybody: Today I am not talking about the election. I am talking about domestic violence.

 I always try to support black movies. I make it my business to go see them the first weekend in hopes of making it the Number 1 movies. So this Saturday I was there to see Tyler Perry’s latest movie. The movie has a number of plotlines going on simultaneously. One of them was a husband/ wife relationship. The wife was the major breadwinner and she was also involved in an affair with her boss. Her husband was a portrayed as a weak but loving husband who rarely questioned the activities of his wife. The wife constantly verbally browbeat her husband. Some of the things she said to him were particularly vile. When she would say these things the audience would verbally express their disgust. They hated her so at the end of the movie she makes her most vile statements to the husband, and he retaliates by slapping her with such impact that she slides across a diner counter and hits the floor.  The response of the audience was to cheer and applaud. I found this reaction disturbing, but not unexpected. Perry had created such an evil character devoid of goodness that people believed that her behavior warranted the response. There is no behavior that warrants physical violence. Some in the crowd even said “it’s about time.” This is a frightening mindset that needs to change. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and it should be used as a time to educate the public. I enjoyed the movie up until to that point but as a woman I can not support this kind of violence. Violence is not the solution and I hope that we can get to the point as a society where we will never believe violence is justified.  

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  • Lacrease  On September 15, 2008 at 12:34 am

    You said: There is no behavior that warrants physical violence. Some in the crowd even said “it’s about time.” This is a frightening mindset that needs to change. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and it should be used as a time to educate the public. I enjoyed the movie up until to that point but as a woman I can not support this kind of violence.

    I said: First off you can send this SAME movie review to YOUR own family members. Starting with your Sisters, and your nieces, your cousins, your aunts, and your BEST MALE friends for their wives and gurlfriends.

    I say this to say. What you saw on the screen is happening everyday. Of course NO ONE in the audience watching the movie deserves a hand laid on them, but just as you CANT support this kind of violence. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT WITHIN YOUR OWN FAMILY! True The Family That Preys is JUST a movie, but honey its happening all over the world. Dont be thefirst to say * oh I cant support this kind of stuff*. You are a writer, go out and educate these people. Take what youve learned and apply it to your PERSONAL LIFE. Everything you write BUDDY starts with YOU!

    Have a nice day!

  • Sunshinelvr  On September 15, 2008 at 1:11 am

    It’s the society that we live in.The little “woman” is supposed to be under her husband’s thumb. It does not matter if the money she makes allows him to have a life-style that he would not ordinarily have; what matters is that she still stay subservient. The men making these movies have a deeper problem with women than they admit, but as long as people pay the money to go make the movies successful, they will continue to be made. The trend in movies lately has been to show men as weak and women as bitc**es. It’s a sad commentary on America.

  • musesofamom  On September 15, 2008 at 3:59 pm

    Lacrease, thank you for your comment, but please be assured that I have already shared my concerns with the people in my circle. I also do work for several non-profit organization that aggressively address the issue of domestic violence. I also posted it on my blog to talk to people that read my blog on a daily basis. So in closing Everything I write does start with ME. I encourage you to do likewise.


  • […] deserve to get beat for their behavior. This is exemplifiedby the tendency in Tyler Perry Films for a woman to be slapped orbeat, and for the violence to go unaddressed in the […]