Tag Archives: Sen. Reid

Blagojevich Might Be a Crook, but He is Also A Brilliant Politician

When the news broke that Gov. Blagojevich was attempting to sell Barack Obama’s Senate seat everyone thought this guy would resign from office. The charges alleged against him would seemingly make it impossible for him to perform his duties. The state was threatening to remove him from office.  Well Blagojevich’s theme song must be, “I’m Telling You I’m Not Going Nowhere”. He is still in office and he is still making waves. The Senate had vowed not to seat anyone that this governor appointed to this vacancy. Well, what a difference a few days make.  On Tuesday the Senate blocked the door and would not let Roland Burris enter the chamber, but on yesterday Burris had a pleasant sit down with Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid and Sen. Dick Durbin. It looks like if Burris gets his paperwork in order (signature from IL Secretary of State) he could be seated. Blagojevich played a political game of chicken with the Senate and he won. They basically dared him to make an appointment and he accepted the dare. Blagojevich at this point had nothing to lose, and when someone has nothing to lose they can wait until you blink, and blink is what the Senate leaders had to do yesterday. Burris has an exemplary record of public service. He is not a fiery intimidating guy. He is a kindly avuncular fellow and to see him being shoved and jostled by the press on Tuesday was an ugly sight and not the look of the “change” we had been promised. It is time to fix this situation and place our attention on the many real problems that plague our country. Like it or not Blagojevich won this round.