Tag Archives: bp ceeo takes day off

Should BP CEO Tony Hayward be on the job 24/7?

Over the weekend Tony Hayward was seen at a yachting competition in England. People are furious that this man would take a day off in the midst of this crisis. Today, President Obama is supposed to play golf with Vice President Biden, and the other night the president took his daughters to a baseball game and some have a problem with this, but is this really fair?   Hayward who has become a master of PR gaffes does have a life other than the spill. He is tasked with overseeing the gulf disaster, but he still has other things including his family that demand some of his time. He is CEO of BP that is his job and like it or not people do take time off from their jobs. The work still goes on if Hayward steps off American soil. He might be arrogant and out of touch, but the man does deserve a brief respite from the crisis. Do you work 24/7? No. It would be against the law. You need time to rest and revive, and hopefully a rejuvenated Hayward might actually learn feet are for walking and not constantly sticking down one’s own throat.