Let’s Celebrate the F-Word

I was going to leave this alone, but I simply can’t. When Vice President Joe Biden introduced the president after the healthcare victory he dropped the f-bomb.  Initially the president acted like he didn’t really hear him, but since that time this event has become cause for celebration. Some call the language colorful while I still call it profane. People have a right in this country to say whatever they want, but at a presidential press conference I would think the language would rise beyond the street. Some will say he did not know his comment was audible. I’ll accept that, but now the Democrats have immortalized it with this tee shirt which is selling out. So parents will proudly where this tee shirt and tell their children what it means. Some will say give me a break kids hear these words everyday, and while that might be true I would never buy a tee shirt that celebrates the profane. It is simply another symptom of people in Washington saying whatever unfiltered thought rolls through their heads, and now people are willing to shell out cash to broadcast those thoughts to a wider audience.

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  • elogam  On April 6, 2010 at 6:17 am

    Mark this date on your calendar. I’m about to say something in defense of the Democratic Party. I don’t think they’re actually behind these t-shirts. Some capitalist decided they were going to cash in on the moment and it’s turning a private sector profit. That’s something Democrats don’t tend to encourage, so this must be a unique situation.

    I agree with you EM. This is not “OK” just because kids hear it all the time, etc. We all use the toilet on a frequent basis, but don’t broadcast it on t-shirts. This celebrates the profane and is in poor taste. As far as Joe Biden’s comment, he was at a public gathering and there were microphones present. As long as he’s been pulling down a government check he should know to treat ALL microphones like LIVE microphones. Joe was just being Joe. (Why is it that people consider Palin to be a mental midget, when we have far more idiocy coming from the mouth of Mr. Biden? I don’t think either is dim-witted, just prone to speaking first and thinking later. Palin’s saving grace is she’s young enough in her public career that she can learn. Joe’s set in his ways and destined to entertain us with his gaffes for the rest of his career.)

  • Kelly  On April 6, 2010 at 7:20 am

    Wow! for real?!

  • musesofamom  On April 6, 2010 at 10:35 am

    The Democrats are actually printing this tee shirt it can be found on their website.

  • srs1  On April 9, 2010 at 8:35 am

    I think that this was the Democrats way of making lemons into lemonade, all be it a not so good way.